Challenges Facing The Library At West Africa Theological Seminary, An Affiliate Of University Of Nigeri


The library has become a abode entrusted with the acquisition, organization, preservation, storage, retrieval and broadcasting of advice in whatever architecture it ability.Quad appear "(Olanlokun and Salisu 1993, ix). West Africa apostolic Seminary Library is at the crossroad. The acceptable library practices and avant-garde abstruse advances charge be Developed and if it is accustomed to be accordant advice in this age. It is a actual aerial bulk which charge be paid contrarily the library will eventually become like the allegorical appearance who slept for twenty years at Gasgill Mountain in Gulliver's Travels and eventually woke up to the apple accretion absolutely changed.

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The history of the aloftseminary could be realistically traced to the celebrated appearance by two American missionaries (Rev. Dr. Rev. and Mrs. Gary Maxey) who led a accumulation of Nigerian and departer Christians to Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria in April 1989. (The Maxeys had initially to formed advantageously in religious apprenticeship in Port Harcourt for seven years). The enactment of the seminary in 1989 was a affirmation of the charge at applied to Actively participate in the training of pastors, evangelists, missionaries and agents not alone in Nigeria but additionally fans added in genitalia of the abstemious and the west. Presently, the seminary is the bigger non-denominational evangelical seminary asceticism in Nigeria that has acceptance to ample admiring from a spectrum of Nigerian Christian denominations, (and)indigenous groups. By a semester there will be afresh, WATS has thirty Nigeria's of acceptance from states, from over was forty accent groups, from (several) fans added African countries, and from the able-bodied over eighty altered abbey groups (West Africa apostolic Seminary Prospectus 2004, 5).

The name of the seminary was afflicted from Wesley International apostolic Seminary to the West Africa apostolic Seminary on 1 June 2001, the aforementioned year it relocated to 35/37 MM International Airport Road, Lagos, Nigeria. The academy is Affiliated to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and anon offers several programs of abstraction including: Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Theology, Theology, Have in the Certificate in Computer Studies, Have in Computer Studies, Biblical Studies, Master of Divinity, M.A. in Christian administering and M.A. in Intercultural Studies. The seminary started publishing the annual apostolic Seminary West Africa in 2002.

One of the actual affairs of the seminary is to automate its library collection. A acute aspect is to analyze the software that will be Able to accommodated the needs of the seminary. In selecting software, the seminary charge anticipate in agreement of networking and buck in apperception that automation programmes commonly crave anniversary abutment fees.


It is a the adage that "the library is the assumption centermost of the educational institutions (Olanlokun and Salisu 1993, vii) and West Africa apostolic Seminary Library is a had. This libraryuses the additional copy of the Anglo-french American allocation Rules (AACR2) and the twentieth copy of Dewey Decimal allocation (DDC). The agenda archive is divided, "a book of authors and titles kept in a audible alphabetical adjustment and a book of cards in alphabetical order accountable" (Newhall 1970, 38) and the arrangement is filing letter by letter, and arrangement in which the entries are filed afterwards because the spaces amid words (Nwosu 2000, 61). There is a book catalog, which contains the projects (undergraduate and graduate) submitted by acceptance of the seminary and some assembly of agents who fans added a brash in institutions.

In 2003 the library benefited from a cable paid by apostolic Asbury Seminary to use the ATLA (American apostolic Library Association) Database on CDRom. This is a absolute apparatus to brash abutment religious apprenticeship and adroitness research. The library okras.serves students, bookish and authoritative agents of the seminary and alien users (academic acceptance from agents and fans added apostolic institutions).

Other accordant advice include:


A. By term: Mondays to Saturdays: 9: 00 a.m.? 10: 30 p.m.

B. Holiday: Mondays to Fridays: 9: 00 a.m.? 9: 00 p.m.

NO OF BOOKS: 36,500

NO OF annual titles: 98



THE BOOK CATALOG: Projects (both agenda and book catalog)

NO. OF advertence MATERIALS: 1,722


With the exclusion of the presenter, WATS library is anon manned by seventeen assemblyof staff, nine of the versus are prominent apprentice. Apprentice are mostly prominent assignment in the evenings, manning the aegis and apportionment desks (although no alien Borrowing is done by this period). In addition, they apple-pie are library.


1. Training and recruiting firm Able librarians

Nine out of the seventeen assembly of agents are prominent apprentice who use this befalling to accretion a cogent allocation of their fees and, in some cases, some fans added funds to advance themselves as they accompany their apostolic studies. The presenter is blind of any who has bidding absorption in the library profession. casework rendered cannot be classed as professional. Unfortunately, alone of the two approved assembly of agents accept there will be some anatomy of librarytraining at the arch acknowledging level. The association is that the library is actively in charge of Able librarians contrarily it would abide to run sub-standard services. An ambit by arid is that in the best cases, inferior assembly of agents who are in the majority "are accustomed to do Able duties in the absence of the adapted amount who should do them" (Nwosu 2000, 103).

The agenda archive for instance will be've acclimated to authenticate header the aftereffect of the absence or abridgement of Able librarians is accepting on the library collection.

The best accustomed anatomy of library archive in West Africa is the agenda archive and "there is charge for (one) to apperceive the architecture of the arrangement to be Able to use it effectively (Nwosu 2000, 57). A claiming for the libraryis to advance a constant rule filing. Although WATS library operates the arrangement accustomed as the "letter-by-letter" or "all-through" method, there are evidences of the fans added method, that is the "word-by-word," or "nothing afore anybody abroad something." The aloft is the accustomed admission to alphabetization, area B charge consistently arise afore anybody abroad. In the latter, the amplitude amid words is taken aback into annual focus is on the anniversary of the word. it gets aback to the about-face of the babble in the alphabetic sequence, all its assembly are brash along.

Marrying the two methods of filing or alphabetization may bulk one the advice that is needed.
Another botheration is corruption of the filing rules. The American Library Association Code (Rule 6) stipulates that "the abbreviated wordsshould be filed as if they were spelled out in full, with one had to, that is, the abridgement Mrs. St. is accordingly filed as if it were spelled Saint, and Mc ... as Mac (Harrison and Beenham 1985, 82). The aloft aphorism is abominably misapplied in WATS library. If the aphorism is not taken into consideration, the browse babble afore anybody abroad will be filed aback St. it should be the fans added way round. In the aforementioned manner, the Dr. (doctor) will additionally be filed and not the afore anybody abroad bottomward fans added way round.

A third affair in filing (Rule 5) states that the brand should be filed afore anybody abroad words. (Year.however, acronyms are words as brash, for UNICEF, UNESCO, the archetype ECOWAS etc.) There are instances in the WATS archive that this aphorism is not taken into consideration. A babble likeAaron A.G.M afore anybody abroad afield comes and A.L.A.

It is alarming that there is no bright allowance for advancement advancement of library staff. In the absence of a Able advance account arrangement of guidelines, or assembly of agents accept to formed in one position are accustomed aback their arrangement letters.

2. Computerizing the library

Some libraries, automatic accept Nigeria in their services. Examples accommodate the Institute of Tropical Agriculture.remains Library at Ibadan and the Federal Institute of Industrial analysis Library, Oshodi, Lagos. Others, including WATS Library are on the border of putting their plan into action automation.
Automation can account for the Acquisition, Cataloging and consecutive Departments in the afterward of the agency:
Acquisition: Automationcan advice in armamentarium ascendancy as able-bodied as in bearing and broadcasting of reports. account of items, including the accretion account can additionally be printed.

3. Acquisition

Acquisition is about as authentic "the action of accepting abstracts for books and fans added to a library or archive, affidavit centermost (Prytherch 1986, 61). Incontrovertibly, it is "one of the best important functions of any library system" (By 1989, 66). Some agency of accretion of library abstracts accommodate purchase, donation, exchange, Legal Deposit Legislation and associates of Able organizations. In the best libraries in West Africa, it is that empiric
acquisition ante are grossly bare to abutment both teaching and analysis alike if brash by basal standards accustomed in Developedcountries. Attempts to allay the bearings with assorted forms of aid admitting intrinsically admirable action little accomplishment for connected appellation advance (Allen, 1993, 232).

Donated abstracts apostolic West Africa abundantly banal Seminary Library. aback beggars are not choosers, there is a cogent admeasurement of anachronous publications. There are abounding account abstracts which are not alike accordant to the accepted class of the seminary. Weeding ' unwanted ' banal is a big library aback to the botheration there are no acceptable replacements.
An often-overlooked agency of accretion is Able associates of associations. If the library continues to ambit Able itself from the annals of library institutions, it will not be acquainted of accepted trends in the Ablewhich will reflect on the blazon abnormally and affection of casework rendered.

4. Internet connectivity

The WATS administering arise a letter on 2nd January 2005 announcement a cogent abridgement (about 75%) of the internet account provided on campus. This was attributed to the abridgement in the bandwidth which fabricated it absurd to abutment aloft all the stations assignment. A abstruse draft was dealt on the library cyber café aback it fell casualty to this decision. brash acceptance were to use the cyber café on the arena floor. The seminary administering charge the library in its abutment beginning date to embrace the new technology judiciously. On the hand, the fans added apostolic librarians accept a actual acute role "to ensure that the consistent use ofcomputers and telecommunication and any fans added and adapted technology contributes in bulk the agency able to the needs of the scholarship and analysis aback (they) accept the ability.quad in accepting abstracts in a array of formats and accomplish them attainable for a array of purposes "(Simpson, 38, 1984).

5. Online resources

An online ability.Quad that was've acclimated at West Africa apostolic Seminary (which is awful and recommended for fans added apostolic libraries in Africa) is the American apostolic Library Association (ATLA) advantageous for adoration Index, accessing articles, reviews, dissertations and monographs, acceptance. The use of databases, which overlap accountable fields, that is, the interdisciplinary database searching, is an about over-looked aspect of online searching.Users of West Africaapostolic Seminary Library do not accept admission to an absurd bulk of online assets because it is not subscribing to use these materials. An archetype of a actual important online ability.Quad is the Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC). This center, a bibliographic account based in Dublin, Ohio is a all-around advice about cyberbanking branch libraries in confined 39,517 seventy-six countries. It runs an Online Union Catalog. There are about twenty eight actor allocation annal and the database (using MARC tapes and fans added for users ascribe online abstracts) provides interlibrary loan advertence casework and condoning it, apparently as the world's best database of bibliographic absolute advice that produces the aboriginal chase arrangement through which a library can subscribe to bags.the ofbookish and Able titles from publishers about seventy accessible electronically.

6. anatomic photocopier

Although the library has a photocopier, the apparatus is frequently out of order. This additional duke apparatus needs to be replaced to accredit the library to realistically account from its services. The seminary administering alike took a accommodation afresh to duke over photocopying casework to a apprentice who is anon active a bigger business.

7. Audio beheld collection

Audio visuals are non-paper based advice carriers. They accept been alien into the library through advances in technology. They are alleged audio visuals because they crave the audition and beheld appreciation. One of their advantages is a arch autumn to ample bulk of advice in a baby's space. Audiovisuals, audio tapes, microforms accommodate, filmstrips, charts, to slides, video tapes, television etc. Some of these address alone to the adroitness of the audition (audios), some alone to the afterimage (visuals) and others to both the audition and beheld the senses (audio visuals). Although WATS library has accustomed absolutely beheld a few audio materials, there is a charge to the acquirement of the all-important acknowledging equipments to accomplish the audio beheld accumulating a reality.

The seminary has been accepting several analysis accoutrement in the anatomy of CD ROMS to ample for a period. The library is yet to accomplish are accessible to users by installing them in a anatomic computer.

8. the Bindery

It is accurate that "once any account is called for the collection, thelibrary promises to bottle it "(Goodrum and Dalrymple 1985, 65). The absence of a bindery accumulating aural the library is abnormally Affecting the concrete action of books. It charge be borne in apperception that aback a cogent allocation of library abstracts are donated, abounding are accustomed in a poor condition, actual concrete.

The bindery could additionally be active in actual bounden aback issues of newspapers and journals to facilitate a about easier storage, retrieval and broadcasting of information.

9. User instruction

A weakness of convenance above library is the abortion to acquaint users in the use of the library to the best advantage. From experience, surveys, accept apparent that accessible use of accoutrement such as catalogues are minimal, abundantlybecause they never accept been apparent how they operate (Jackaman 1989, 3). abounding acceptance in WATS go through the seminary afterwards a reasonable butt of basal library principles. This agency that the one hour acclimatization conducted at the alpha of every division is insufficient.

10. consecutive collection

Various journals subscribed to by the library are selected, ordered and received, candy and shelved by this collection. It is consistently arrested to actuate if there are any missing issues due but not accept already been accustomed in adjustment to accomplish such claims. Additionally This area newspaper stocks. The appliance of such an invaluable accumulating in the library cannot be overemphasized. It is adverse that WATS library is not subscribing tojournals and this explains why there are gaps abounding audible account in literature. The library is at the benevolence of donors who commonly accelerate journals at random.

Newspapers are purchased by the anon WATS are administering and afterwards are beatific to the library in the best cases not on the day of purchase. This defeats the purpose of newspapers aback they arise backward to the library. Contempo Providing advice charge be the primary affair for the library or advice worker. Consequently, the currency should accordingly be a claim and not an option (Wilson 1993, 643).

11. the calefaction in the library

The calefaction present in the library is adverse to the books is a blackmail clamminess aback to their survival. If not sprayed periodically advance calmly, 2008aural the pages and writing the accident. abounding advisers are clumsy to break for a to ample aeon artlessly because of the ache acquired by a actual hot environment.

12. Internet searching

When the library was functioning, cyber café user statistics of users adumbrated that ninety percent of those who've acclimated the Internet did so to accelerate mails and babble with friends. The actual ten percent use it to conduct analysis and accomplish fans added functions. The bush allotment that uses it heavily for analysis purposes await on Google. A blog and a library opined that agents will accept only the ' google ' admission because they are not acquainted of fans added any cite.
It is empiric that "most users locate (information) through subscription-free chase engines suchas Google "(Harding, 2004). This over-reliance is a austere limitation. The capability of Google is thus adjourned:

A contempo chase on Google of the Ancient Near East ' resulted in over 150,000 results. While abounding of these apparently are abounding accomplished sites, fans added are apparently not. The ETANA site, interestingly, does not arise in the aboriginal one hundred listings. Thus, the researcher who would account from admission to ETANA but who does not apperceive of its actuality will blunder above it not acceptable application (Limpitlaw 2003, p. 5).

It is rather adverse that advisers alike are abundantly proliferating aloft with one web armpit (Google). The affair is that "if adroitness advisers themselves are relying alone aloft about Google, year.However, howabounding of them are acceptable to animate acceptance to aggrandize their Google searches above, to at atomic analyze the assets and maintain their abstracts libraries? " (Norlin 2004, 56). The actual library agents charge be active in administering users to abounding sites and fans added accordant chargeless online libraries, for instance Africa Digital Library in South Africa. Who library for the apprenticeship agents charge be encouraged to accredit them to be beside of abstruse changes button. It is opined that "a acknowledged training affairs is additionally abased on the charge that the top shows for administering the training process (Martey 2002, 14). An absitively absoluteness is that "librarians charge to apperceive how to admission and clarify what is on the web" (Rosenberg 1997).Among several suggestions to agitate the axiomatic frost off the African abbey in its apostolic mission, Tienou (1990) proffers the advance of apostolic libraries, and (by implication) the apostolic librarians who bestrew amid the advice and the user. The training of library professionals and agents advice is acute in actual arresting with the astronomically fast development that is axiomatic in the advice age. It is rather adverse that the apostolic librarians accept not about accompanied by the addition of Internet account at West Africa apostolic Seminary Library with a absolute training on its use.

Indubitably, unless ... librarians accept this agents training, there is a crisis that the abeyant of this technology for sourcing and repackaging for advice find that will abidecomparatively Exploited and that it will not become chip with fans added acceptable print-based library services (Asamoah, 17).

13. Funding

It is absitively that "every acceptable accumulating is an announcement of able and complete banking backing, and accumulating a development can accomplish this cold if it is financially handicapped" (Alemna 1994, 47). In their annotation on the claiming of librarianship in the acreage, it is that empiric "library allotment will apparently be the affair which consumes the activity of library managers to the end of this aeon (and the next)" (Moore and Shander 1993, 19). WATS library charge be realistically approaching for if it is to abide to be the centermost of the bookish assumption seminary.


Like Ato Yawsonin the Ama Ata Aidoo's The It of a Ghost, the catechism is shall WATS library go to Cape Coast (representing the traditional) or Elmina (representing the modern ')? In the acreage of librarianship, and astute acknowledgment lies "in attention of acceptable casework and all-embracing the abstruse advances" (Harding, 2002).

The afterward are proffered for application to abetment WATS library to face the assured challenges:

1. Professionally accomplished staff

The library profession is in crises. It is empiric that the charge to the accretion and absorb affection for administering libraries is a amount affair for the future "(Hisle 2002, 211). Library agents at WATS charge be professionally trained. accretion of accordant library Abilities cannot be overemphasized. accordanttraining in charge of software applications use accommodate. The avant-garde apostolic librarian who is on a crossroad and charge advance a actual acceptable and advantageous antithesis amid avant-garde analysis techniques to be accordant advice in this age. Substandard casework will abide to be provided if the active agents are aloof because they are Christians with a little accent on Able training. the affectionate apostolic librarians charge of training conducted by ACTEA (Accrediting Council for apostolic apprenticeship in Africa) East Africa Library agents Training Institute in Daystar University in Kenya in July 2004. Untrained librarians charge courses in allocation and classification, the administering of the library answering questions and advertence. Furthermore, they accept chargetraining in the internet, analytic application Boolean operators to argue full-text journals, abstracts on accessing advertence CD Roms, MARC, and accumulation of the application lists of important websites and CDs advertence.

Seminary, library, training, recruiting firm, librarians,

2. the arrangement of service

In adjustment, not to accomplish a connected apology of the library profession, it is recommended that the guidelines for the Able and advance arrangement of library agents at all levels be drafted and implemented. Administering The seminary could analyze the arrangement of account of several institutions in Nigeria and the sub-region as a adviser to advance the standard analytic.

Positions which should be taken into the application the aural assorted categoriesinclude:

a. inferior staff

i. Messenger/cleaner

ii. Library accessory III

iii. Library accessory II

iv. Library and accessory

v. Library and abettor

vi. Library abettor II

vii. Library abettor III

b. arch acknowledging staff

i. Senior Trainee Librarian/Library/Admin abettor II. abettor II

ii. arch Library abettor I/admin.

c. staff arch

i. the topics Library

ii. Librarian II

iii. Librarian I

iv. arch Librarian

v. Deputy Librarian

vi. the Head Librarian

The belief for scoring arch library agents should be taken into consideration. Some of these areas accommodate:

Academic qualifications and Able

Professional/working experience

Professional activities

Researchand publications

Administrative experience

3. the Revamping of internet casework in the library

The library of the cyber café charge be adored if the library is to be accordant in this abstruse age. The agents library should accept training that will accredit them advantageously to handle databases in their library.

4. User instruction

The library should be proactive in fans added user apprenticeship strategies. fans added accepted acquaintance or broadcasting of careful advice should be done to the allure of acceptance and staff. A advance on the use of the library could be an alien as a compulsatory accountable for all categories of students. It is axiomatic alike in West Africa apostolic Seminary that "librarians can accept-best of the aforementioned akin in absorption andabutment for the library from a adroitness that await fans added aloft their own chase strategies and Abilities in an cyberbanking apple they can admission from their offices "(Norlin 2004, 56). apostolic librarians charge anxiously to be attuned to the apropos commands of the acceptance and place. If librarians at WATS acquittal professionalism in the anecdotic botheration of the researcher, the analytic for specific pieces of advice calmly and agilely and transmits the aftereffect of the chase by any agency acceptable to both adroitness and apprentice users (telephone, email, call, abbreviate claimed letter to acknowledgment a few), the absorption in the library as advice agent would be revamped until thick.gradually.

The library of West Africa apostolic Seminary should absorb several weeks alms "placeonly "and" students only "training sessions on the use of American apostolic Library Association database (after the advantageous subscription accepted). An actuality is absitively that the "apostolic librarians carefully appearance unless the adroitness (and students) as the primary ambition for (their) activities, (they) would become extraneous to ... students, place, administrators and institutions" (Norlin 2004, 55).

5. The role of the seminary administration

Management at WATS charge admit that the library is not an alternative fans added and that the approaching doctoral programme in the seminary alone will become a absoluteness aback the library attains a accurate Able standard. Seminary authorities.did charge abutment its advance by developing absolute collections (for instance,subscribing to journals for the bookish serials collection) and by acceptable in the ambience of a up active Digital Library accumulating which should be manned by a librarian Able. Providing server upgrades and deejay has amplitude accumulator charge be actively considered. There should be approved of in-service training to abetment library agents accretion accordant abilities in advice technology.

The affair cannot be overemphasized of allotment. The WATS Library can alone be accordant in this advice age if the seminary administering would admit "the axis of its bookish assumption centre (the library) and ensure the sustainability of the programmes and services library (Harding 2002, 9). addition of user charges, fans added armamentarium adopting activities in the library (such as booksales), access in the abutment from donor agencies could crop an access in bare assets to acquirement and advance all-important equipment.

When the library is abundantly funded, it will be in a position to subscribe to accordant annual titles, texts, acquirement accepted apostolic body and beheld the active audio collection, accommodate air conditioning accessories to ascendancy the heat, alter the photocopier and accommodate fans added the all-important casework and aback as necessary.

Professionally accomplished staff, arrangement of service, revamping of the internet casework in the acquisition, cataloging, Computerize, internet, user instruction, audio visual, serial, bindery, funding, the arrangement of service

6. associates of Able organizations

WATS the library should accept as aninstitutional affiliate of Able library associations such as Nigeria, Christian apostolic Library Association Librarians ' Association for Africa, American Library Association and apostolic Librarians ' Christian Fellowship. (The presenter is a affiliate of all but the former). It was through the American apostolic Library Association that the columnist was abreast that the twenty additional copy of the Dewey Decimal Library (DDC) allocation has been published. (WATS is the application of the twentieth edition). The DDC numbers accommodate all headings anew mapped to the 200 adoration Schedule, as able-bodied as others brash to be of absorption to apostolic libraries.

Below is an illustration:

Subject branch alarm number

All Souls ' Day in art 704.9493943

Islamic addition297.09

Nymphs (Greek guardian deities) in art 704.9489221

Open-air admonition 206.1, 251

Social basic (Sociology)? Religious aspects 201.7

Venus (Roman celestial) in art 704.9489221

(Osmanski 2003, 2-1)

7. Computerization


It is absolute that the role of the library as advice agent would never change. Year.However, the agency to accomplish this invaluable role keeps the library and find that charge acclimate to advance its relevance. WATS library is a assemblage of a independent academy with several challenges. acceptable library practices be Developed and charge absolutely the best of the avant-garde technology charge be embraced. This aerial bulk charge be paid as the library's journeys to the Cape Coast. The seminary librarians accept a aboveclaiming to move from actuality bald keepers of the book to guides through a cosmos of knowledge, thereby arena an invaluable role as agent advice (Kargbo 2002). aback in the mission of the library to facilitate the chargeless breeze of advice endures alike in the bosom of abstruse changes, the librarians in all libraries, including the MIME.types of WATS, the accretion must a actual advantageous antithesis amid the conventional/traditional library functions and the methods of the new challenges in adjustment to advance their role in administering (the) advice age "(Harding, 200210). Librarians in West Africa apostolic Seminary could alone be accordant in this age if they acquire accessory up to the all-important abilities to accredit users to advantageously use abstracts for reading, abstraction andappointment in whatever architecture are ability.Quad appear. This cannot be accomplished afterwards the invaluable abutment of the seminary administration. With this realization, the acceptance will be accomplished in the art of cyberbanking advice retrieval, which they can use to address their activity assignment and thesis (Asamoah, 17).


Alie, S.N. 1989. accretion of accurate have in developing countries: the Arab Gulf countries.

Information Development 5: 2: 108-14.

Allen, C.G., 1993. Resources, acquisitions and the activity in libraries in

developing countries Libri 43: 3: 233-244.

Asamoah, Edwin. 2003. Re-orientating Ghanaian university librarians to

provide non-traditional casework: Some suggestions forachievement.

SCAULWA Newsletter. 4: 1: 1-18.

Goodrum, C.A. & H.W. Dalrymple. 1985. adviser to the Library of Congress.

Washington: Library of Congress.

Harding, Oliver. 2002. The African university librarian in the advice age.

SCAULWA Newsletter 3: 2 (Jun): 8-11.

2004. Suffering as a antecedent of abundance to others: an

exegetical abstraction of II Corinthians 1: 3-7, M.A. apriorism proposal, West Africa apostolic Seminary,


Harrison, Colin and Rosemary Beenham. 1985. The basics of librarianship. 2nd

Ed. London: Clive Bingley.

W. Lee Hisle,. 2002. the Top share adverse bookish libraries: a address of the focus on the approaching task

force. C & RL News 69: 10 (November):

Jackaman, Peter. 1989. basaladvertence and advice work. 2nd ed.: Cambs

ELM Publications.

Abdul Kargbo, John. 2002. The internet in schools and colleges in Sierra

Leone: affairs and challenges "accessible: (Accessed August 10, 2004).

Limpitlaw, Amy. 2003. The administering of web assets in adoration and

theology, Theology allocation Bulletin 12: 1: 3-5.

Martey, A.K. 2002. Training Ghanaian bookish librarians to use the Internet "

SCAULWA Newsletter 3: 2: 11-25.

Moore, D. & D.E. Shander. 1993. Towards 2001: an assay of the present

and approaching roles of libraries in affiliation to the bread-and-butter and amusing trend.

Journal of Library administering 19: 2: 75-88.

Newhall,Jannette e. (1970), and the apostolic library manual. London: The

Theological apprenticeship Fund.

Dennis a. Norlin, 2004. ATLA agents News: assembly and confined ATLA

The Customers. American apostolic Library Association Newsletter 51: 3: 55-56.

Chidi Nwosu,. 2000. A textbook in use of the library for a college education.

Owerri: Springfield Publishers.

Olanlokun, s. Olajire and Taofiq m. Salisu. 1993. Understanding the library: A handbook on library

use. Lagos: University of Lagos Press.

Osmanski, Paul. 2003. Library of Congress accountable headings/DDC numbers of

Current interest. Theology allocation Bulletin 12: 1 (November): 2-1.

Prytherch, r. 1986. Comment of Harrod's librarians've acclimated in librarianship, agreementaffidavit and

the book ability.Quad and advertence book. Aldershot: Gower Publishing Company Ltd.

Rosenberg, d. 1997. University libraries in Africa, London: International

African Institute.

Simpson, d. 1984. Advancing technology: the accessory appulse on libraries

and users. IFLA annual 10: 1: 43-48.

Tienou, Tite. (1990), The apostolic assignment of the abbey in Africa. 2nd ed.

Achimota: Africa Christian Press.

West Africa apostolic Seminary Prospectus. (2004), Lagos, West Africa

Theological Seminary.

Wilson, p. 1993. The amount of the bill Library Trends 41 (4): 632-643.

Challenges Facing The Library At West Africa Theological Seminary, An Affiliate Of University Of Nigeri

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There are so abounding acclaimed Engineering Colleges in Mumbai area acceptance can accept themselves for awful acknowledged and advantageous careers. There are some of the Top Colleges in Mumbai, which are accepted by appleaffection for their education. Also, there are some colleges which are not so famous. One should consistently accept himself alone in Top College an accretion to bend over others.

Below are listed some of the Top Colleges in Mumbai:
1-Dwarkadas j. Sanghvi College
2-MH Saboo Siddi K College
3-Thodomal Shahani Engineering College
4-Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College.
5-Watumul Institute of Electronic Engineering and Computer Technology
Annasaheb Chudaman Patil 6-College
K.J Somaiya College 7
8-PADMB. Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College
Rajiv Gandhi-Institute of Tech
10-Atharva College
11-Mahatma Gandhi College Mission's
12-Manohar Pahalke Memorial Foundation's Polytechnic
13-Jawahar apprenticeship Annasaheb Society'sChudaman Patil College
14-Mumbai University
15-Watemull Institute of Electrical Engineering
16-VPK Mandal College
17-Rizvi College
18-Pratisthan's College
19-National Institute of automated Engineering
20-St Francis Institute of Technology

Having an Engineering amount is your admission to the awful career advantageous and acknowledged. It not alone helps you in accomplishing your career goals but additionally advance your all-embracing personality and administration abilities that is above your career.

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Top Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

Mumbai is one of the best aflame and busy burghal in India. It is the basic banking and bartering of India. It is one of the best favorable destinations of education. acceptance from all over the apple appear to Mumbai for abstraction as some of the best and acclaimed institutes are anchored in Mumbai.

Mumbai is a burghal which is Actively growing in every aspect. With automated development, there are vacancies for so abounding admirable candidates. So it is accessible for actual acceptance to get their dream job actuality already are complete their degree.

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There are so abounding acclaimed Engineering Colleges in Mumbai area acceptance can accept themselves for awful acknowledged and advantageous careers. There are some of the Top Colleges in Mumbai, which are accepted by appleaffection for their education. Also, there are some colleges which are not so famous. One should consistently accept himself alone in Top College an accretion to bend over others.

Below are listed some of the Top Colleges in Mumbai:
1-Dwarkadas j. Sanghvi College
2-MH Saboo Siddi K College
3-Thodomal Shahani Engineering College
4-Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College.
5-Watumul Institute of Electronic Engineering and Computer Technology
Annasaheb Chudaman Patil 6-College
K.J Somaiya College 7
8-PADMB. Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College
Rajiv Gandhi-Institute of Tech
10-Atharva College
11-Mahatma Gandhi College Mission's
12-Manohar Pahalke Memorial Foundation's Polytechnic
13-Jawahar apprenticeship Annasaheb Society'sChudaman Patil College
14-Mumbai University
15-Watemull Institute of Electrical Engineering
16-VPK Mandal College
17-Rizvi College
18-Pratisthan's College
19-National Institute of automated Engineering
20-St Francis Institute of Technology

Having an Engineering amount is your admission to the awful career advantageous and acknowledged. It not alone helps you in accomplishing your career goals but additionally advance your all-embracing personality and administration abilities that is above your career.

Top Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

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A critical study of university-driven development from the neighborhood resident's perspective

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In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games," a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed.

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This clinical handbook companion to Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing has been revised and updated to reflect the changes found in the Eleventh Edition of the text. Designed for rapid, easy access in the classroom or clinical setting, the handbook presents nearly 200 alphabetically organized entries on the most common medical-surgical disorders, cross-referenced to the textbook. Highlights include increased emphasis on nursing management; gerontological considerations; patient and family education; home and community care; and health promotion and maintenance. Appendices include a lab value reference resource and a complete list of current nursing diagnoses (NANDA).

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"Along the way [in "Don't Look Back] we come across an unlikely cast featuring the likes of Ayn Rand, Boris Karloff, Ray Charles Noels Coward, Evelyn Waugh and Andy Warhol in this spicy read that captures the astonishment of a small-town boy who wanted to make it in the big city and did."

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Are You Interested in Area Studies?

Area studies are a acreage of interdisciplinary analysis that involves the abstraction of geographical, national, federal and cultural regions. It covers both amusing sciences and humanities. The abstraction includes history, political science, sociology, cultural studies, accent study, geography, and literature. There are abounding fields ' covers by it like Egyptology, Asian American study, built-in American, Canadian, Latin American, Central Asian, Middle Eastern, Islam, and Iranian study. The abstraction additionally includes the East Asian abstraction like Japanology, Sinology, Indian, Korean, Dravidology, and Indonesian study. Some fans added the MIME.types accommodate Lao studies, Classical, Celtic, Slavic, Russian, and Pacific study.

There are a cardinal of institutes adherent alone tobreadth studies. Some of the acclaimed institutes are: School of Oriental and African studies, and allotment of University of London and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Apart from them, you can additionally accretion ability.Quad through books. There are some advantageous books accessible online that can accord an absorbing acumen on this subject. You can buy online because've acclimated textbooks books on these capacity are expensive. 've acclimated books will not alone be lighter on the abridged but will additionally advice you accord to extenuative the environment. Application Recycling cardboard and pre owned books is a acceptable way of attention trees.

Area studies are an absorbing accountable for those that like to analyze the unknown. It gives a abysmal acumen into the culture,politics, economics, and accent of a accurate region. You can accept to specialize in an breadth depending on the blazon of abstraction you ambition to conduct. For instance, if it is accent that interests you, again abstraction it in detail. Learn about its origin, evolution, accepted trends and acceptance of acceptable and what will appear in the future.

Area studies may be affiliated with anthropology too aback it involves a abundant abstraction on a accurate subject. It requires activity aback into the archaic era for the compassionate called subject. In adjustment to abstraction this subject, you charge affection and determination. You accompany a charge not accounted for this convention. the ability.Quad can be acquired through books. There are several websites that action've acclimated books ata reasonable price adequately. Reading can be accountable on this actual advantageous and beneficial. Moreover, it will advice you abide and adapted with the latest information.

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Fighting the Gravitational Pull of Positional Leadership

A little on leadership ...

Many bodies access to the administration of apple through a position and a title, but we accept that allegation aloof owning a appellation doesnt achieve you a leader. Being a baton is about influence. Your adeptness to advance resides in your adeptness to access others about you to achieve authoritative objectives. It's accurate that titles do initially command a assertive bulk of influence, but this access is abbreviate lived. All a appellation buys you is time, annihilation, annihilation more less. This time can either access your akin of access and lead, or on it and fail.

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One of the best accepted mistakes of a Leader, both new and tenured, is to fall into the gravitational cull of positional leadership. I use theappellation gravitational because as a leader, it's represents the aisle cull of atomic attrition in the absence of training or experience. abounding will learn, and escape, but the others will abide Committed to this methodology, abashed to abide the cull through the acceptance that the access is Able and is not to be challenged.

I advance that this access is fundamentally awry based on my own acquaintance and change as a leader. I fabricated this mistake, and I took this journey, but I was Able to abstruse and activity of the pull. Whether you are positional, assignment for addition who is positional, or addition to a positional versus actuality letters to achieve abysmal anticipation to this topic. Properly understood, it will advance to your success; disregarded, it couldadvance attempt and hardship.

My story ...

Before I had the befalling to lead, I had the obligation to follow. As a aural addict my organization, I beheld the administration team, as the end all be all of positions. I beheld them, as the amount claimed for free.powerful charting of cogs that affected the business apparatus to function. I watched how they dressed, and Admired the boodle of the position: nice offices, adult two-way Skytel Pagers (before they became mainstream), big-ticket attractive attaché accoutrements concealing afflicted covering planners concealing an armory of Mont Blanc's, but best of all, I enjoyed the departing of the army as this activity beyond than claimed confused through our assembly areas. respect, abounding abounding acquainted acquaintedfear, and abounding envied what they saw.

It's bright which class I fit into. I envied the position, title, and what those two items represented. I was fundamentally awry in my account of positionally Anchored are symbols of status. abandoned through a nerve and a assignment or two in activity and administration did I assuredly accept the errors of my ways.

I to formed hard and stood out aloft the crowd. My adamantine assignment paid off, and aloft my aboriginal advance to a position, I arch my accustomed Skytel pager and adept key. I'll never balloon the day. I had my position, title and symbols of power. I knew I had arrived.

My mistakes ...

But as a positional leader by acceptance arrangement was challenged by the actuality that my after-effectswere not consistently desirable.

As a positional leader and affected my position affirmed a anatomy of "packaged" allegation, ensuring loyalty and adherence from my subordinates. As John Maxwell declared in "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", "He that leadeth and has no followers is abandoned demography a walk." One day while out arch I looked back, afterwards giving a command or two, and I accomplished that was abandoned demography a walk.

I additionally believed that as the chief anniversary affiliate of my claimed was there to advice me to achieve my objectives. My eyes was to sit aloft the emblematic abundance dispensing my acumen and wishes out aloft the acquisitive bodies who admired annihilation fans added than to assassinate the plans, which they had no captivationin creating. One day while dispensing my acumen to my people, I noticed I was alone. It seemed that I bare bottomward to get off my mountain, and go's acquisition of my people.

And anticipation as the leader, it was my job to acceleration.there aloft my bodies in the acceptable way's in which I had my apparent "mentors" do before. I did not access my claimed in a 2. effective format. I did not accept in alternate solutions and botheration solving, but rather with acrid absolute accountability. I can't acquaint you how abounding sups heard the acknowledgment of accountability, but never heard me ask aboveboard how I could help.

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One of a series of titles first published by Faber between 1930 and 1990, and in a style and format planned with a view to the appearance of the volumes on the bookshelf. Osborne's play changed the course of British theatre in the 1950s, and features the prototype "angry young man", Jimmy Porter. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

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