The Drawbacks to Book Buyback Programs

It is accessible for me to bang off a agglomeration of statistics about the amount of academy textbooks from a university bookstore against the online prices for the aforementioned books, but to analyze apples to apples, I looked up several books currently actuality appropriate for apprentice courses at a university abutting to my own city. I begin the boilerplate amount per book was 1.71 if purchased from the university book abundance for a new book. The aforementioned books if purchased new online would amount .67, and if purchased online in "As New" action would amount .33.

Thus, a academy apprentice absent to buy new books online could save 29.5%, and if he/she were accommodating to acquire "As New" books, which for all applied and artful purposes are new books, he/she would save 43.6%.

Textbook Buy Backs

Next, I acclimated one of the online buyback websites to acquisition out how abundant they would pay for these books if I had them to sell. For the new books appropriate for a distinct apprentice semester, that I would accept to pay the university bookstore 2.12 to purchase, these buyback casework would pay me .60. That is alone 5.4% of what I would accept to pay for them. No admiration the buy aback casework are so acquisitive to buy academy textbooks at the end of every appellation and appearance up in numbers aggravating to attract academy acceptance to advertise them their exceptionable textbooks.

As an online bookseller myself, I apperceive these types of margins are absolutely realistic. I would be blessed to accord anyone .60 for some acclimated textbooks that I knew I could resell for 0+ as acclimated books too, but I don't appearance up on campus at the end of anniversary appellation to booty advantage of academy students.

Not alone do these margins administer to academy textbooks, they administer to added books as well. A while aback I bought a archetype of "Kate: The Kate Moss Book," by Kate Moss, ISBN 0789301016, for .49 at a acclimated book store. I awash the book online for 9.99, which is a nice profit. If I had autonomous to advertise this book to one of the buyback casework I would accept gotten .24 (I looked up the buyback amount anon afore announcement this article). While affairs article for .49 and affairs it for .24 is not a bad accumulation margin, 561%, I see no acumen to achieve for a accumulation of .75 back I could delay a ages and accomplish addition 6.26, do you?

This is absolutely what bags of academy acceptance do at the end of every term. They achieve for a little bit of chump change for a few beers back they could advertise their exceptionable textbooks online and get a lot added for them by cat-and-mouse a few weeks. They could additionally save a lot of money by acquirements about online bookselling and area to acquisition the best textbook prices and not pay abounding account amount for every book they buy. A little bit of time investigating online bookselling could absolutely save the archetypal academy apprentice a lot of money over the advance of their education.

The Drawbacks to Book Buyback Programs

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