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John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides)Looking Reasonable Price For

Come face-to-face with the Savior

Is Jesus really God? For centuries people have asked thatquestion, and the answer in the Gospel of John is a resounding"yes!" The Jesus you've heard about will meet you in these pages.And whatever you've heard, He will be greater, better and morechallenging than you expect.

This study of John's Gospel will help you meet Jesusface-to-face and get to know His heart. You'll see that Jesuswasn't just a good man or wise teacher-He spoke the very words oflife. Each of the study's lessons includes a Scripture passage, adevotional, thought-provoking questions and a challenge to godeeper.

Designed for personal study or small-group discussion, Johnintroduces Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior. The studygives a questioning sinner a glimpse at a Savior, while offering aseasoned believer a greater appreciation of salvation. Each lessonin the study offers a passage of the Gospel from The Holy Bible:English Standard Version, along with a related devotionalexercise.

The Bible study guide also offers a key verse for each lessonand presents three sections for deeper understanding and personalapplication. "Go Deeper" teaches the background of the book and itsauthor and shows the book's relation to other Bible passages."Express It" offers suggestions for turning insights from thelesson into prayer. "Consider It" provides questions that reflecton the daily Scripture passage.

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John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides)

John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides) review

John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides) 


John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides) : details



Come face-to-face with the Savior

Is Jesus really God? For centuries people have asked thatquestion, and the answer in the Gospel of John is a resounding"yes!" The Jesus you've heard about will meet you in these pages.And whatever you've heard, He will be greater, better and morechallenging than you expect.

This study of John's Gospel will help you meet Jesusface-to-face and get to know His heart. You'll see that Jesuswasn't just a good man or wise teacher-He spoke the very words oflife. Each of the study's lessons includes a Scripture passage, adevotional, thought-provoking questions and a challenge to godeeper.

Designed for personal study or small-group discussion, Johnintroduces Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior. The studygives a questioning sinner a glimpse at a Savior, while offering aseasoned believer a greater appreciation of salvation. Each lessonin the study offers a passage of the Gospel from The Holy Bible:English Standard Version, along with a related devotionalexercise.

The Bible study guide also offers a key verse for each lessonand presents three sections for deeper understanding and personalapplication. "Go Deeper" teaches the background of the book and itsauthor and shows the book's relation to other Bible passages."Express It" offers suggestions for turning insights from thelesson into prayer. "Consider It" provides questions that reflecton the daily Scripture passage.


John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides) Overviews

Come face-to-face with the Savior

Is Jesus really God? For centuries people have asked thatquestion, and the answer in the Gospel of John is a resounding"yes!" The Jesus you've heard about will meet you in these pages.And whatever you've heard, He will be greater, better and morechallenging than you expect.

This study of John's Gospel will help you meet Jesusface-to-face and get to know His heart. You'll see that Jesuswasn't just a good man or wise teacher-He spoke the very words oflife. Each of the study's lessons includes a Scripture passage, adevotional, thought-provoking questions and a challenge to godeeper.

Designed for personal study or small-group discussion, Johnintroduces Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior. The studygives a questioning sinner a glimpse at a Savior, while offering aseasoned believer a greater appreciation of salvation. Each lessonin the study offers a passage of the Gospel from The Holy Bible:English Standard Version, along with a related devotionalexercise.

The Bible study guide also offers a key verse for each lessonand presents three sections for deeper understanding and personalapplication. "Go Deeper" teaches the background of the book and itsauthor and shows the book's relation to other Bible passages."Express It" offers suggestions for turning insights from thelesson into prayer. "Consider It" provides questions that reflecton the daily Scripture passage.

John: Face-to-Face with Jesus (Back to the Bible Study Guides)

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