Why Do College Students Accept The Bookstore Monopoly?

College acceptance acquire continued been bedeviled by the bookstores at Universities. The boilerplate academy apprentice is abundantly broke, we await on apprentice loans, money from parents or our own bare incomes while we attack to pay our tuition, allowance and board, and save pennies to abate accent on Friday or Saturday night.

Money is consistently bound for a academy student. There is usually nothing, or at best a beggarly bacon of a brace hundred dollars a anniversary that the boilerplate apprentice is accepted to alive off of while they focus on school. acceptance attempt with money on a circadian base while in school, and it has consistently balked me - as a fiscally disturbing apprentice - that the University furthers this at atomic 4 times a year, aback I am affected to acquirement textbooks for my classes at the alpha of the division and aback I am again affected to booty a atom of the textbook's aboriginal acquirement amount at the end of the semester.

Textbook Buy Backs

What makes this added frustrating, and if you are affairs your textbooks aback to the bookstore, amuse don't do this to your self, but if you attending at what the bookstores activity you for a textbook and again attending at what the "used" book is affairs for, you will be shocked. Last semester, I awash a law textbook back, a book I had purchased for 5 in the fall, alone to be offered aback I approved to advertise it back. I had acclimated it for beneath than 5 months and alone accent some of the added important topics. The adverse happened though, aback I saw the bookstore was affairs that aforementioned book as "used" to added acceptance at the amount of 5.

I acquire heard the altercation that bookstores charge to balance their profits and it is a risk, but every division (and I'll admit, I consistently annals backward for class), I acquire rarely been Able to acquisition a acclimated textbook to acquirement from the bookstore and usually end up purchasing cast new books - abounding of which the bookstores debris to acquirement from me at the end of the semester. In any added industry, this blazon of cartel would not be accustomed to persist, however, for some acumen academy acceptance aloof acquire this fate and acquiesce the bookstores to accumulation off of them. I acquire been accusatory this absolute article, but I don't appetite to aloof sit actuality and complain.

Rather than complaining, I acquire approved to booty some action, it ability be feeble, but it's bigger than aloof griping. Out of arduous frustration, I created a book barter website (http://www.bookdefy.com), but accepting acceptance to accompany a chargeless book barter account has been difficult. I acquire apparent a brace added websites on the Internet agnate to it, but best academy acceptance assume to avoid it and go for the actual delight of a few beggarly dollars for their textbooks at the end of the semester. Why? It seems like abounding acceptance acquire approved to avoid this acutely abiding bookstore monopoly, but best are agreeable with the bookstore monopoly.

I acquire rarely heard a academy apprentice say "I adulation the bookstore" or "I can't accept how abundant money they gave me!" I usually apprehend my adolescent acceptance accuse about the bookstores and the actuality that they feel like they've been ripped off. Why is it that we aloof sit about and accuse rather than demography some action? There are 8 actor academy acceptance in the US, but we all assume to be in the aforementioned boat... Let me ask you why; and why hasn't addition done article about it, and if they have, why do we still "take it?"

Why Do College Students Accept The Bookstore Monopoly?

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